Monday, April 25, 2011

Strong is Vader. Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.

Just like Zombie Jesus rises from his tomb rejuvenated, I emerged from a nasty end to the Easter week with renewed inspiration and drive (see what I did there?)to keep working on my book, the comic and some new paintings for friends.

Gossip and drama is for the bored and bitter.. and yes, I know we all have it from time to time- but those who seem to live for it don't have anything else apparently. I feel sorry for them. As long as I keep working for what I want it won't bother me.

My Ciavarro gecko came back in today, it's amazing how much the black I use for shading smooths out, I love it!! Douglas will be in by the middle of the week, I can't wait to see my darling, my rock. All in all, a great start to the week..I'm still broke though, who wants to buy some paintings?!

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