Wednesday, August 25, 2010

hair cut

I got a haircut today, and I'm quite happy about it. Florida weather is DISGUSTING right now and I just can't handle long hair..

Next topic, I think from here on I will start adding my influences for the work I'm doing, which almost always comes down to music.

So, my "Miner Series" has mostly been influenced by the album Old Crows, Young Cardinals by Alexisonfire.. which I listened to for six straight hours while painting walls in the new location. It took a while for me to actually enjoy it, but as a poverty-level apprentice it's definitely an easy thing to relate to. I carry the guilt of watching my significant other work his ass off to support me right now, and know how warehouse laborers are treated.

Against Me!'s Reinventing Axle Rose has also been a big influence,... With songs like "Those Anarcho Punks Are Mysterious..." and "Baby, I'm an Anarchist!" It also reminds me one of the many more profound reasons I wanted to be in this industry: screw your middle-class "nine-to-five" standards...

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