Thursday, July 23, 2009

oh NPR..

It is a curse, and a blessing when one finds the NPR comment forums.
I was unaware they existed (I really have just been ignoring them), and now cannot leave them alone.
Mostly, because I've found an alarming amount of comments have been from crazy, propaganda spreading fools. I mean some real Limbaugh and Coulter robots.

Is that wrong of me to say? Maybe, but I am truly sick of seeing the words "liberals", "leftist", "smears" and best of all: "communists" in any comment forum.

Seriously, is that the best you've got?
Not that the most recent person I'm debating is this crazy person, but I do have a bone to pick. SO when he's ready, we can talk about global warming right here.

Michael Crichton, cannot be used as reference to the "conspiracy of global warming" when he has supported someone like Senator Jim Inhofe, Who frequently uses the Bible as reference for his arguments!

He has also previously claimed that Global Warming is "the second-largest hoax ever played on the American people, after the separation of church and state".

Well there you have it, folks. After our founding fathers drilled into our heads that we needed separation of church and state, the Weather Channel used global warming to get better ratings..

And everything in the Bible is true.

1 comment:

laney2217 said...

Ok... I give... who is this?