Friday, July 17, 2009

this is what happens

when religion is allowed to run the school system
(no, the ship has nothing to do with it)

"It has become an issue of religious Islamic curriculum against nonreligious secular curricula, and that is really very wrong. The issue should be, does our curriculum produce job-ready, university-ready candidates or not?"

I'm also opposed to just silencing vocabulary for political means (I don't see how anyone can rationally argue otherwise). Would it be so difficult to give students the text without glorifying the actions?

I think not. Ignorance can be far worse than letting words that give bad ideas into the classroom.

Any-who, so my idea: I'm thinking of applying to University of South Florida's grad program for Fine Arts, and working with their science programs collaboratively. As most of my work recently has been about migration and hostile environments, I would like to take it a step further and focus on global warming.
Among many other great things, this gives me the chance to bring art and my love of atmospheric and marine sciences together. I'm very excited to get started!

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